Saturday, May 29, 2010

Spitting Nails

I am so angry at myself. I have no business just winging it with my diet. The stakes are too high.

Not only have I not been keeping track of fiber grams, but I also have introduced many foods to my diet at the same time. Without even documenting. So today, I am about 36 hours from my last bm, I had bad cramping last night. and I vomited 3 times. All signs that I possibly have a blockage. I can't even say what food has caused it because in yesterday, I had 3 new foods. Stupid, stupid, stupid. So today, I am going to my sisters to celebrate her birthday. Then we are all going to lunch. I will be lucky if I make it to my sis's. Let alone go to lunch.

I will not eat breakfast this morning, just coffee. If I do make it to lunch, I need to be very careful what I eat. If I am still cramping, I will skip lunch also.

I have said it before, I need to be meticulous on documenting what goes in my body. But I have ignored this. I have had too many scares this month. I am being reckless with my life. Stupid stupid stupid.

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